Wednesday 18 December 2013

LamB 20週 B超

我們知道咗性別,不過等人估下先啦。未知之前,我們做過一些男B/女G測試,信不信由你~~! 哈哈~~!
G: Baby's heart rate? *156pulse* Scientists found that female fetuses had "significantly faster" heart rates than male fetuses after the onset of labor. 
B: A lot of nausea? *No* They say boys give moms less nausea. Maybe it's a boy? 
B: Has the baby's dad been gaining weight? *Yes* Dad's gaining weight points more towards a boy 
B: My nose has been increasing in size? *Yes* According to many myths, boys have been associated with an increased nose size, so a nose that's growing is associated with a boy 
B: Chinese pulse diagnosis? *Left stronger* Stronger on the right= girl / Stronger on the left = boy 
B: Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mothers hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a GIRL. If it swings back and forth, a BOY is on the way.  

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