Thursday 3 October 2013

Mr & Mrs Lam @ Pierre Francois Roelofs

依間餐廳聽聞了很久,一個星期只開星期四,只有甜品食,還是degustation menu,還要排隊。。。。
今 晚,E-star、林生和我,早有準備,一早食晚飯,一個唔飽的晚飯。之後,立刻去排隊~~!我們6:50pm到達,他們7:00pm開門。可惜地,我們 入唔到第一輪。。。等。。。等。。。等。。。留下電話號碼,我們就週圍逛逛~~!結果,E-star和林生做了45min腳底按摩,我就坐了45min, 哈哈~~!
Dessert tubes
Vanilla flavored,不同形態的Vanilla。好得意呀~~!一口吸~~!
Bubble gum
Bubble gum meringue + bubble gum漿 + 真既香蕉 + 香蕉蛋糕 + 黑加侖子jelly 一個懷念小時候的甜品,懷念的bubble gum味。好開心~~!
Pineapple & coconut
西米 + 椰果 + 菠蘿冰花 + spice cake 太多層了,都忘記了仲有咩味~~哈哈~~!不過,各種味都很合襯~~好味~~!
Chocolate cake
Chocolate cake + dried mandarin + mandarin糖片 + mandarin漿 如果個朱古力蛋糕可以濃些朱古力味,會更好。

Cafe Rosamond, rear 191A Smith St (cnr Charles St),
Fitzroy. Ph: 9419 2270. Twitter: @36th chamber
PIERRE Roelofs knows the real meaning of sweet success. When he dreamed up the idea of dessert-only dining, this enterprising pastry chef, baker and chocolatier wondered if he would find a big enough audience.
But now, in his third year at Fitzroy’s Cafe Rosamond, Roelofs has people queueing out the door every Thursday night (from 7pm, no bookings) for two, sometimes three, sittings.
‘‘The great thing is, they never know what’s coming their way,’’ he says.
The only certainty is that dinner will start with a test tube ($10 each).
Roelofs—whose CV includes stints at Heston Blumenthal’s The Fat Duck—fills them with concentrated versions of familiar desserts.
We got tubes of Coke Spider; a cool lather of Coca-Cola jelly, cola gel, cola sherbert and vanilla ice cream which fizzed in the mouth.
After that, there was no stopping Roelofs.
Orange sherbert cavorted with marmalade jelly and shaved macadamia in one dish.
Coconut sago supported lemon curd, hazelnut yoghurt and raspberry foam in another.
The final dessert left us wondering if popcorn, blueberry and dulce de leche were really right for each other but Roelofs had everyone else at Rosamond purring with pleasure. SP

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