Thursday 30 June 2016


Back-dated 23/06/2016
只要有理想,夢想可成真?!一個無學過,就可以開餐廳,做大廚?!真係好神奇!!(不過,也要有金錢支持吧!)Nora開的時候,只做早餐,林生林太試過,覺得好食,但他們一忙就要等一個鐘以上。估唔到,他們轉型,做晚餐,fine dining。
林生林太第一次試泰式新派菜吧,所以很有驚喜!!而且他們的matching juice很有心思,令食物多了層次!!超讚!!!但真係有點細碟,好似不夠飽和滿足的感覺哦。
June menu:
What goes up must come down beneath the ground
(Sardine - dirt, root, coriander root, tasty powder)
Tagliatelle of oyster not oyster
(Chicken heart - onion, shallot, sad, pomelo, sweet fish sauce)
Silver Lining
(Blue mackerel broth, young coconut, lovage)
Too many Italians and only one Asian
(Papaya - satar, cashew, fermented garlic, school prawn)
Daft punk is playing in my mouth
(Blue mackerel - chewy watermelon, capsicum annum, black sesame)
Childhood bread
(Freshly milled toasted red rice bread sourdough style fermented shrimp butter)
Grandma's cabbage
(Fermented cabbage, pork, shiitake, spring onion)
Crying tiger
(Fermented glutinous rice, red ant eggs, sawtooth coriander, olive oil)
12am in the fridge
(Pumpkin - egg, shrimp, mushroom)
Thai cupcake wanting to become western
(King Edward potato - chive)
The study of perspective
(Thai rum cake)

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