Friday 18 January 2013

Mr & Mrs Lam @ NEW peninsula link

係Flinders Hotel過了一晚,第二天返回墨爾本了。。。哈哈。。。竟然"Peninsula link"開了,哈哈。。。仲未開始收費,YEAH~~新路,當然超靚啦,行100km/hr都好似行緊60km/hr咁,好靜,好爽呀~~仲不用等紅綠 燈,好快哦~~途中,仲有新sculpture。有一個好得意,「the tree of life」,d樹葉會因風而搖擺。哈哈~~有點似而且香港尖沙咀的銀樹。

"The Tree of Life"

The final sculpture is by New Zealand artist Phil Price who is renowned for his large scale, wind-activated kinetic sculpture. The Tree of Life will be 10 metres high and made of carbon fibre, glass fibre, high temperature epoxy, precision bearings and stainless steel and will be located near the Peninsula Link Cranbourne Road exit.
The large tree-like form makes reference to the eucalypt and will function and evokes the natural beauty of the peninsula. The movement is gentle and rhythmic, echoing the rhythmic flow of branches in the wind. Even in large winds the kinetic activity remains slow and gentle in contrast to the speed of the freeway.

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