Monday 5 May 2014

LamB 39wks 3days

今日更做了CTG scan,睇下LamB夠唔夠血,可唔可以多留一個星期。結果,無問題!都是肚痛、流血、穿羊水,就入院。如果無反應,下星期一再覆診。
Cardiotocography or CTG is a test usually done in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is done to see if your baby's heart beats at a normal rate and variability. Normally, a baby's heart rate is anywhere between 110 and 160 beats per minute and increases when the baby moves. Checking that your baby's heart rate responds to his movements is an indirect way of knowing if he gets enough oxygen from the placenta. The test will also see how baby's heart rate is affected by your contractions.
If you are in your third trimester and not yet in labour, the test will measure your Braxton Hicks contractions. You might not be aware of them but Braxton Hicks contractions are light contractions that your uterus has in preparation of labour. A CTG done in your third trimester is also known as a 'non stress test' because your baby is not under the 'stress' of labour.
Your doctor will ask you to have a CTG in your third trimester if:
*you feel that your baby's movements have slowed down or become irregular
*she suspects a problem with your placenta that restricts the blood flow to your baby.
*you have low levels of amniotic fluid
*you are having twins
*you have diabetes or hypertension
For this test, you will have two belt-like monitors strapped to your tummy. One measures your baby's heart rate and the other measures contractions of your uterus. You will have to remain seated or lying down during the test. It can last anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes.

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