Saturday 31 August 2013

Mr & Mrs Lam @ The Town Mouse

約了杜生、杜太食午飯。去了《The Town Mouse》。
Our menu.....
  • School prawns, rouille & sesame (10)
  • Oysters served with chardonnay vinegar sorbet & lemon (4@)
  • Crab & gurnard terrine, salted lemon curd, nori, pea leaves & crab essence (20)
  • Shaved calamari, oyster cream, dill & fermented apple juice (15)
  • Steamed diamond shell clams, black mussels, clam bisque, fennel & rosemary (25)
  • Fried fresh corn polenta, pine, lime & pecorino (11)
  • Crisp beef cheek, whipped white soy cream, black garlic, parsnip & yuzu (26)
  • Slow roast red cabbage, prune, parmesan & red apple (14)
  • Lemon and yuzu curd, white chocolate, burnt coconut, spiced rum & coconut sorbet (15)
  • Chocolate tart, thai flavours (15)
  • Ricotta donghnuts, fennel & mandarin custard (6)

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