Saturday 27 July 2013

Mr & Mrs Lam 又週圍食的星期六

有朋友介紹,去了"Breakfast Thieves",去偷個早晨美好回憶先~~!聽聞這間餐廳由馬來西亞人開的,食物亦加入了亞洲風味,但我只覺得他們加入了乾蔥和蔥!?咖啡和食物都OK呀~~!
之後,我們行Smith Street;行回家,再行city。我對腳很累了~~!
晚上,約了E-star食晩飯。我們很遲才book枱,所以只得兩小時食飯,哈哈~~! 這間是1 Hat restaurant,所以食物和服務也好好,我們覺得墨爾本好似多了很多Hatted restaurant,真係間間都up to standard~~?
我覺得個beef cheek和risotto最好味~~!
甜品,試了lemon tart,因為他是Melbourne top 25 dessert。廚師很大膽哦~~竟然全碟真係只得一件lemon tart~~!佢的tart皮好靚哦~~睇完<<Australian Bake>>,覺得佢依個lemon tart好靚仔和味道很balance。
MEYER LEMON TART $16 Albert St Food & Wine, cnr Albert St and Sydney Rd, Brunswick.Ph: 8354 6600. Twitter: @albertst1
HER Snickers bar sweet — as seen on TV’s MasterChef — is justly famous.But fans of Philippa Sibley, Melbourne’s undisputed Queen of Dessert, would gladly walk over coals of burning caramel to taste her Meyer lemon tart at Albert St Food & Wine.It’s a velvety marvel, beyond compare.Sibley honed her technique in first-class European kitchens.Returning to Melbourne in the late 1990s, she parlayed those pastry skills into stunning desserts for gastronomic hubs such as est est est and Ondine.The tart has long been a part of her repertoire.As Sibley says: ‘‘It looks simple but I’ve spent years getting that right.’’How right it is.Using zesty Meyer lemons, Sibley strikes a perfect balance between sweet and sour.The golden brown pastry that cradles the curd is miraculously thin and the texture, well . . . it just rolls over the tongue.

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